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End Of Tenancy Cleaning Battersea sw11

sw11 end of lease cleaners in battersea

Ease The Stress of Move Out Cleaning in Battersea, SW11

Moving house can be a stressful experience. You have to pack up all the items you don't want, load them into the van, transport them to your new destination and unpack them once you get there. On top of that, you have to make sure that you leave your old home clean and tidy before you move out. That's why Battersea Cleaners provides post tenancy cleaning services in Battersea, SW8 that are tailored to make the process as stress-free as possible!

Our end of lease cleaning team is experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to making sure that all surfaces, from cabinets to skirting boards are spotlessly clean. We understand that time is an essential factor for both landlord and tenant which is why our reliable crew will arrive promptly on time so that absolutely nothing delays the move-out process. This means that all your cleaning related worries will be taken care of and you can focus more on other aspects of moving house.

We also provide rubbish removal if needed and additional services such as carpet steam cleaning or window cleaning are available too. We arrive with all the necessary equipment and supplies required for each job so you don't need to worry about bringing anything else with us - we've got it covered!

What makes our end of tenancy cleaning service in SW11 stand out from the rest is our competitive rates and unbeatable customer service. Our experienced team are committed to making sure that every job is done right and with utmost care until everything shines like new again! Friendly yet punctual, efficient yet cost-effective - what more can one ask for?

So call Call Now! today and let us take care of any post tenancy tidying needs that you may have! With Battersea Cleaners, your move-out process from Battersea, SW11 will be smooth sailing from start to finish!

Affordable Prices of Battersea Cleaners in SW11

If you want clean home but you can't handle with the cleaning yourself call our Battersea cleaners on 020 8610 9019 and find the greatest services around SW11.

Price List

Carpet Cleaning from £ 55
Upholstery Cleaning from £ 55
End of Tenancy Cleaning from £ 95
Domestic Cleaning from £ 13.50
Regular Cleaning from £ 13.50
Office Cleaning from £ 13.50

*Price excluding VAT
*Minimum charge apply

  • The professionalism and outstanding cleaning standard have positively impacted us. The staff is courteous, ensuring our satisfaction always.
    Tre Suarez
  • Over the past year, Cleaning Services Battersea has sent exceptional cleaners. They're always helpful and go above and beyond. For a fresh-smelling home, contact this company!
    Kenia Naylor
  • The amazing service from Cleaning Services Battersea deserves high praise. They transformed my property. I recommend them to friends and family and will certainly use them again.
    Philip F.
  • The care provided by House Claners Battersea is excellent. They maintain my mum's home very well. What matters most is that my mum feels safe and comfortable in their presence. The office staff is also top-notch, providing excellent customer service and being very accommodating.
    C. Burkhart
  • Communication was smooth, efficient, and friendly. Pricing outshone competitors. Prompt arrival and high-standard work. Would hire again!
    Chelsie Andrade
  • The work was done to my satisfaction. It was completed quickly and efficiently. I would recommend this company.
    Chandler Breen
  • Superb service. Very professional and trustworthy. Everything was cleaned to perfection and looked as good as new. Will definitely use again and recommend!
    A. Monroy
  • Our experience with Carpet Cleaning Battersea over the past year has been outstanding. The main cleaner is extremely reliable and thorough, ensuring our home stays immaculate.
    D. Bandy
  • House Claners Battersea never fails to impress. Fast scheduling, timely and skilled technician. No chemicals, prompt service, and fair costs!
    D. Bunting
  • I have nothing but praise for the gutter crew's professionalism and great work. They never fail to clean up after, making their service highly valuable!
    Macey Cunningham

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